If you’ve been injured as the result of a truck accident, talk to our team about the next steps for your case.
Injured in a Semi-Truck Accident? You Deserve Compensation!
18-Wheelers can be extremely dangerous!
According to the IIHS, “The number of people who died in large truck crashes was 31 percent higher in 2018 than in 2009.” With the increasing number of distractions for truck drivers, like cell phones and navigation devices, they sometimes take their eyes off the road for up to 40 seconds at a time. That’s time that they should be using to monitor surrounding traffic. Most deaths in large truck crashes are passenger vehicle occupants. Large trucks often weigh 20-30 times as much as passenger vehicles. They are taller and have greater ground clearance than cars, which means that lower-riding vehicles can slide beneath truck trailers, with deadly consequences.
Serious Truck Accidents with Serious Consequences
A total of 4,764 people died in large truck crashes in 2022. Seventeen percent of these deaths were truck occupants, 66% were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles, and 16% were pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists. The number of people who died in large truck crashes was 51% higher in 2022 than in 2009, when it was the lowest it has been since the collection of fatal crash data began in 1975. The number of truck occupants who died was 83% higher than in 2009.
Were You In An Accident with a Semi-Truck?
Semi-trucks may be the backbone of the highway transportation in the United States, but driving an 18-wheeler is a serious job. In Louisiana, a semi-truck can legally carry up to 80,000 pounds of curb weight. That’s over 40 tons traveling at 65 miles per hour or higher. Truck drivers who fail to maintain proper attention risk the lives of everyone on the road around them. Rozas Injury Law has a decades-long history of holding truckers accountable for the devastating injuries they caused to surrounding drivers and passengers. If you’ve been injured as the result of a truck accident, talk to our team about the next steps for your case.
Have a question about a truck accident?
Our attorneys are ready to hear from you.
Don’t know where to start with your truck accident claim?
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to answer all of your questions. Fill out the form below, and set up your FREE CONSULTATION or call (225) 351-7737 now.
“My family member has died as a result of a serious car or truck wreck. Who is the right person to bring a claim against the at-fault driver?
It is a horrible tragedy to lose a loved one so abruptly and our condolences go out to you and your family. In Louisiana, a claim for the wrongful death of a family member can be filed by the surviving spouse and/or children of the deceased. If there are no surviving children or spouse, then the parents of the deceased can also file a claim for wrongful death. If there are no surviving parents, the surviving siblings or the deceased can file a claim. If none of those family members are alive, the surviving grandparents can file the wrongful death claim.
“The truck driver was on the job when the wreck happened. Who is responsible for my injuries?”
In Louisiana, an employer and the employer’s insurance company are responsible for the actions of their employees if the employees are in the course and scope of their employment. At Rozas Injury Law, we will research every aspect of your claim including whether the at-fault driver’s company should be held responsible for its employee’s actions.
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We are active members of the Louisiana State Bar Association
If you need legal assistance or have questions about your case, contact us today for a free evaluation and let us put our expertise to work for you.
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We are active members of the Louisiana State Bar Association
If you need legal assistance or have questions about your case, contact us today for a free evaluation and let us put our expertise to work for you.